Alpha members do not create accounts using the registration page. You should have received an email with a link to claim/create your Pride Online account.
If you didn’t receive or can’t find the email, please contact your chapter New Member Coordinator and ask her to manually send the claim/create account link to you.
Alpha Members Click Here
Please complete the form below and someone will be in contact within 2 business days.
Note: We ask for this information so we can make sure we find the correct record in the system and to minimize the amount of time it takes to get your account setup.
Thanks for providing as much information as possible.
If you are a new member, please do not submit this form if you have not previously claimed your ADPi account.
Alpha members do not create accounts using this registration page. Once your information is added to Pi Portal, you will receive an email to claim your ADPi account.
Emails are sent overnight after your record is added to the system.
If you don’t receive or can’t find the email, please contact your chapter VP of Operations and ask her to manually send the claim/create account link to you.
If you have already claimed your account but are not able to login to Pride Online, please continue completing this form
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